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» The employees and organizers of a museum

The employees and organizers of a museum

The employees and organizers of a museum

Shamuratova Ayimgul - a director of a museum named after "Amet and Ayimkhan Shamuratovs", was born in 1953 on April, 20 in Nukus. Higher education, graduated in 1970-1974 from Nukus pedagogical institute on a specialty as an English teacher.
She worked at the secondary school, at the university and medical institute as an English teacher. Since 1998 has headed a fundof Ayimkhan Shamuratova.
One of the first in Nukus she has opened the educational centre for children from 5 till 7 years old, it taught herself and trained children English, Russian, mathematics, drawing, singing etc.
Has organized ethnographic ensemble "Ayimkhan lapizi".
She is engaged in charity, helps the children-invalids and collects antiques for the museum.
In 2004 she received an award "For the higher merits to Fatherland" from the hands of the President of Republic of Uzbekistan I.A.Karimov.
Develops tourism in Karakalpakstan, has helped to open the first travel company "Ayim-tour" in Nukus and the hotel "Jipek joli".
She has also educated a plenty of the schoolboys, has prepared the recruits in the higher educational institutions, now she is a tutoress of youth at the museum and hotel.

Sherniyazova Baumarjan, 1963, secondary education.
In 1999 she was hired to the museum as a technician. Nowadays she is a leading guide of a museum.

Kutlimuratov Nauriz, 1966, he was born in Nukus. Since 2001 he has been helping the museum and has collected for it a great number of exhibits.

Shamuratova Zulfiya, 1952, a senior lecturer, candidate of philological sciences. Sheteaches Russian foreign literature at the Pedagogical Institute named by Ajiniyaz. A writer, a journalist and a literary critic. She has helped with organization of the museum, actively still helps nowadays.

Azatbay Seydametov Has given rise per 1965. Shimbai. Education maximum. Has ended Nukus pedagogical institute, faculty the Karakalpak philology. Since 2008 works the guide in a museum Shamuratovs has helped to let out the children's book of Russian Amet Shamuratov "my meetings with tigers" in Russian and latin language.скачать dle 10.6фильмы бесплатно
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